All of these things are dirtier than a public restroom

Some scientists in New York City swabbed a bunch of random items to see how gross they are. Hint: Public restroom was NUMBER FIVE on the top ten list. There's something in your wallet RIGHT NOW that's dirtier than a public toilet, and that makes me wanna puke a little.

Here's the top ten list (bear in mind, this is NYC, so some of this stuff--like subway poles doesn't apply to us in Florida, but still)

1. A McDonald's door handle had the most bacteria. (I have a feeling this is true of LOTS of door handles, not just McD's)

2. A park bench.

3. A parking meter.

4. A credit card.

5. A public bathroom.

6. Cash.

7. Coins.

8. A subway pole. 

Y'all. A CREDIT CARD is dirtier than a public toilet!!! EEEEEW EW EW EW EW!! I'm not a germophobe AT ALL, but that is super nasty.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to douse everything in bleach and put on my hazmat suit.


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