CDC says social distancing also applies to pets

After a handful of cats have tested positive for COVID-19, the CDC is now saying that social distancing applies to pets, too.

Though there have only been a handful of known cases of animals becoming infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, the advisory issued last week suggests people apply the same social distancing measures to their pets as they do to family with whom they're living.
That means keeping cats indoors and walking dogs on a leash at least six feet away from other animals and other people, and avoid dog parks.

An unintended consequence of this notice is that some people might be scared enough to get rid of their pets, even if their pets haven't interacted with other animals, or displayed any symptoms. I just feel that some of these stories play into people's fear, and the last thing I want to see is animal shelters being flooded with abandoned pets because people think there's a chance their dog or cat could get sick. Just keep making smart choices, wash your hands, and please don't abandon your fur-children!

[ABC News]

Photo: Getty Images

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