Study finds attending concerts poses a pretty low risk of getting COVID

Some entertainment experts have estimated that it could be late 2021 or even 2022 before we start having large concerts again. This is an absolute heartbreaker, not just for those of us who want to attend shows, but for the hundreds of thousands of people who make their living in that industry. It's not all millionaire headliners--what about the venue's employees, road crews, backing musicians, etc?

Well, for anyone who is still concerned about catching coronavirus from a concert (or other large-scale event, like a football game), here's some great news: A recent German study found that you're pretty unlikely to catch covid from a concert, provided a few guidelines are followed.

About 1,400 volunteers were pre-tested for the virus, and given digital location trackers, masks and hand disinfectant with florescent dye in order to collect data on various scenarios. They then sat through 10 hours of music at a venue, while practicing different levels of social distancing and safety measures. 

The results are somewhat good news for music fans. According to the scientists, the risk of spreading the coronavirus at such concerts was characterized as “low to very low.” If the venue has good ventilation, they limit capacity and concertgoers actually abide by hygiene protocols, folks can enjoy their time without fear of getting sick.

I know not everyone feels the same way about this that I do, but I'd be completely willing to attend a show outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. I think if they find a way to get everyone to sign a waiver before entering, it could work. Because that's the big issue here--no one wants to get sued. Big concert promoters don't want to be put in a position that makes them vulnerable to litigation, so they're playing it safe by not moving forward with shows. So for now, you'll see smaller shows here and there, but no big tours until they find a way to do it safely without getting sued.

Photo: Getty Images

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